
新聞中心您的位置:網站首頁 >新聞中心 >我司瞬態平面熱源法導熱儀中標南京工業大學
更新時間:2023-02-14   點擊次數:524次

瞬態平面熱源技術(TPS)是用于測量導熱系數的一種新型的方法,它測定材料熱物性的原理是基于無限大介質中階躍加 熱的圓盤形熱源產生的瞬態溫度響應。利用熱阻性材料做成一個平面的探頭,同時作為熱源和溫度傳感 器。合金的熱阻系數一溫度和電阻的關系呈線性關系,即通過了解電阻的變化可以知道熱量的損失,從而反映了樣品的導熱性能。







1、Hydrogel beads derived from chrome leather scraps for the preparation of lightweight gypsum

2、Size-controlled graphite nanoplatelets_ thermal conductivity enhancers for epoxy resin

3、Thermal, morphological, and mechanical characteristics of sustainable tannin bio-based foams reinforced with wood cellulosic fibers

4、Improved thermal conductivity of epoxy resin by graphene–nickel three-dimensional filler

5、A synergistic strategy for fabricating an ultralight and thermal insulating aramid nanofiber/polyimide aerogel

6、Fabrication of Graphene/TiO 2 /Paraffin Composite Phase Change Materials for Enhancement of Solar Energy Efficiency in Photocatalysis and Latent Heat Storage

7、Improved thermal conductivity of styrene acrylic resin with carbon nanotubes, graphene and boron nitride hybrid fillers

8、Preparation and characterization of paraffin/expanded graphite composite phase change materials with high thermal conductivity

9、Tailoring of bifunctional microencapsulated phase change materials with CdS/SiO2 double-layered shell for solar photocatalysis and solar thermal energy storage

10、Functional aerogels with sound absorption and thermal insulation derived from semi-liquefied waste bamboo and gelatin

11、Lamellar-structured phase change composites based on biomass-derived carbonaceous

sheets and sodium acetate trihydrate for high-efficient solar photothermal energy harvest

12、Construction of double cross-linking PEG/h-BN@GO polymeric energy-storage composites with high structural stability and excellent thermal performances

13、Gelatin as green adhesive for the preparation of a multifunctional biobased cryogel derived from bamboo industrial waste

14、A novel self-thermoregulatory electrode material based on phosphorene-decorated phase-change microcapsules for supercapacitors

15、Development of poly(ethylene glycol)/silica phase-change microcapsules with well-defined core-shell structure for reliable and durable heat energy storage

16、Experimental and numerical study on heat emission characteristics of ventilated air annular in tunneling roadway

17、Construction of polyaniline/carbon nanotubes-functionalized phase-change microcapsules for thermal management application of supercapacitors

18、Mechanical, thermal and acoustical characteristics of composite board kneaded by leather fiber and semi-liquefied bamboo

19、Tuning the oxidation degree of graphite toward highly thermally conductive graphite/epoxy composites

20、Thermal self-regulatory smart biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase-immobilized phase-change microcapsules for enhancing detection of hazardous substances




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